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Last Update: August 10, 2021

Christian YouTube Channels

I only link to things that I have used and find valuable.

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Christian YouTube Channels

YouTube has a lot of Christian teaching, education & entertainment. Check out these channels on YouTube.

I watch a lot of Christian videos on YouTube and actually pay $10 a month for YouTube Premium so I don't get ads. While I'd prefer not to pay the money, getting ads and interruptions is far worse in my opinion.

    Great Teachings from CCLV
    I've attended CCLV over the decades and always loved the verse-by-verse teaching. When I moved away I used their app to watch messages, but this YouTube channel has that content as well. One of the things on this channel that I love are the daily devotionals from Pastor Derek.
  • Teachings from Pastor Jack Hibbs
    Pastor Hibbs is in very heavy rotation in my household. I like his tell-it-like-it-is messages and his willingness to attack subjects that some pastors won't. He's also a strong supporter of talking about societal/political issues in a church setting (with a Godly perspective). If you want to listen to a pastor strong in the Word and who won't dilute the message to make us falsely feel good, check out Pastor Hibbs.
  • Calvary Chapel Kaneohu, Hawaii
    Pastor Farag teaches a lot about Bible prophecy. Once per week on this channel he does a Bible Prophecy Update video that is good. He also does a mid-week Bible study video. I make sure I watch them. One video I really enjoyed & recommend is Pre-Tribulation Rapture Proof. Over time Pastor Farag has become someone I like and always make time to watch his videos. He has regular church service videos as well. If you spend some time watching him, I think you'll see how much he loves God.
  • Reporting From Israel
    Behold Israel is led by Amir Tsarfati, who I first discovered by watching the Proximity Conference. This channel really grown over the past two years. He also has an app, If you like to keep up on Israel and want to better understand the Middle East from a Godly perspective, add this channel to your list.
  • Gain an Understanding of End Times
    I learned about Jan Markell's ministry through my mom and I'm glad I did. I enjoy the information she puts out. If you want to know more about the End Times, check her out. She has pastors from all over on her shows.
  • Teachings from Pastor Greg Laurie
    This channel is one that I watch as Pastor Greg Laurie releases new content. I've listened to him off and on over the years and always enjoy his messages.
  • Calvary Chapel Albuquerque
    I haven't heard too many of Pastor Skip's messages, mainly because there's only so much time in a day, but what I've watched, I've liked.
  • Sermons from Pastors at Harvest
    This channel features sermons from the pastors at Harvest Christian Fellowship except for Greg Laurie's messages, which appear on his channel.
  • Weekday Videos
    I recently discovered that To Every Man an Answer has a YouTube channel where they show their podcast recordings. I recommend this show and if you like to watch something instead of just listening, check out their channel. If you rather just listen, head over to the podcast section of the Armory for that link.
  • Excellent Financial Advice
    I'm putting this here because God calls us to be good stewards of his blessings. Aside from being very entertaining, the core principles Ramsey puts forth are solid. I recommend watching this channel and of course going through Financial Peace at your church if they offer it. I like how he talks about how being wise with money is mostly about behavior and not some hidden secret we've yet to uncover.